If a picture is worth 1000 words, the following images will deliver a book.  We have selected some of our recent crime images to share with the Helderberg Community. From weapons to break in tools, stolen merchandise and drug paraphernalia, the images paint a very clear reality of the crime that lives in our community. The purpose of these images is not to scare us, but to rather drive awareness.


Weapons, break in tools and stolen keys for access


Weapon and break -in tool


Weapons and break – in tools


Illegal firearms and ammunition


Break – in tools and stolen merchandise


Break – in tools and stolen merchandise


Weapon and break in apparatus with a stolen radio


Stolen aircon unit


Break in tools, weapons, drug paraphernalia


Weapons, drug paraphernalia, break – in tools


Stolen merchandise


Weapons and break – in tools

These are just a fraction of the images we take every week. Crime is a very real reality in the Helderberg Basin. If you have ever wondered why you need to think about security in your home or business – these images will certainly paint the picture.

Although we know we will never be able to stop every crime event or opportunistic criminal – we stand firm that we will do everything we can to minimise the threat to the safety of our community.

Secure Rite offers everything you need from Cameras, sensors, alarm systems and armed response services to name a few. Contact secure Rite for all your home or business security needs today.
Telephone number: 0860 10 30 99.
Email address: info@securerite.co.za
Web address: www.securerite.co.za