In the fight against the spread of the virus, the Government has officially launched a house-to-house screening campaign to better understand the reality of the COVID-19 infection rate across South Africa.

A total of 10 000 field workers are to visit homes around the country scanning people for COVID-19 symptoms. The plan is that those found to have symptoms will be referred to nearby clinics for testing. People with moderate symptoms can be treated at home or at COVID-19 facilities, while those with serious symptoms will be transferred to nearby hospitals.

When will Testing commence in the Helderberg Basin?

We do not have official word on dates for the Helderberg Basin and surrounds as yet. We will update and prepare the community as and when we receive any information. We urge residents to inform us should you hear of or experience a home screening.

I do not feel comfortable allowing strangers onto my property…

As an active security partner, we completely understand this level of anxiety and mistrust especially in those who have experienced crime events. Given the circumstances of this pandemic, it is safe to say that we are all out of our comfort zones and that very little feels ‘normal’ right now. It’s important, however, that we do what we can to contribute to the fight against the virus and ‘supporting the door to door screening campaign’ is one way we can all do that.

Here is what we know about door to door visitors based on written communication from Government sources:

  • Identification: Fieldworkers will and should have official Identity tags, branded identifiable clothing and will be wearing protective items like gloves or masks.
  • Escorted by a SAPS Officer: The South African Police Service (SAPS) will accompany the field-workers to ensure a smooth operation and protection.
  • Questionnaire: Field workers will have a verbal questionnaire tool (we are not sure if this will be in printed form or on a digital device). According to the Health MEC, Swab testing of the nose and throat, will only be necessary if the questionnaire results indicate that further testing is required.
  • Swab Testing: If swab testing is required. Home owners may be requested to go to a testing clinic immediately or there may be a mobile parked testing centre in close vicinity to the residence in question.
  • Test Results: According to the Health MEC: Test results will not be immediately available but patients will be followed up with and advised of their status.

If the field workers arrive at my property, what do I do?

Here are some useful guidelines on managing the Home screening exercise.

  1. It is ok to ask for identification/credentials and verify the presence of a SAPS Police Officer.
  2. Ask the field worker what process they would like you to follow and how best to carry it out. Be as polite, patient and helpful as possible.
  3. Once the field worker credentials are verified, ensure that any pets, particularly dogs, are managed properly to avoid any unwanted response behaviour to ‘strangers’ at the gate. As we know, dogs are protective and territorial and express this through barking and even biting behaviour. Consider keeping the dogs inside or properly cordoned off from the field worker session.
  4. Notify neighbours that you are being screened. This way neighbours can know what to expect and can be an additional support from their homes if you feel uncomfortable. Ask your neighbours to stand at their gates or watch from their windows to create a better sense of safety during the screening process.
  5. Practice social- distancing as much as possible during your screening process. Keep at least 1.5 metres away from each other and follow the field workers direction if swab testing is required of you or anyone else in the household.
  6. Answer all questions honestly
  7. It’s ok to wear protective clothing like gloves or a mask while engaging with the field worker provided that these precautionary items do not hinder the field workers process.
  8. Keep a panic button handy as an extra precaution and safety protocol.

Note, once we, as Secure Rite, have official word of testing dates planned in the Helderberg Basin, we will, whenever possible, dispatch available response vehicles to specific streets and vicinities as an added safety presence.

More ways to help fight the spread of COVID-19

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.
  • Keep home surfaces clean and disinfected as far as possible
  • Avoid touching of the face
  • Practice considerate cough and sneeze behaviour by using your elbow to catch any ‘spray’ emissions when coughing or sneezing, even while at home.
  • Keep a distance of 1,5m away from people generally
  • Stay at home

As a trusted Security Partner, we will ensure that we keep you, our community, informed of any developments as and when information is released to us.

Important numbers to remember:

National Hotline: 0800 029 999
Provincial hotline: 021 928 4102
WhatsApp “hi” to 0600 123 456

Secure Rite Security has been listed as an essential service during the ‘lockdown’. This relates specifically to the ‘provision of safety services’. Our Armed Response, Call Centres and maintenance teams are available and active. Call us for any security needs, we are here to help.

Call us for all your home and business security needs
0860 10 30 99.
Email address:
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Jade Roux: Marketing & Brand Specialist